
Welcome, this site will be devoted to providing information about the ongoing maintenance issues that take place at The Creek Club . As this site is developed, content will be added that demonstrates things that range from course care to comprehensive details about agronomic procedures. I hope that this will become a useful tool in communicating things that are taking place on the golf course. I will try to use the blog to explain how and why we do some of the things we do on the golf course.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sept 11, 2012 Aerification 3/8 core

Aerification is a necessary evil when it comes to maintaining quality putting greens. We time our major core aerification in spring and fall because our Bentgrass greens are the healthiest at that time. Removal of cores is essential in maintaining a healthy root system through the stresses of summer.  Core removal allows for the removal of built up organic matter in the soil caused by the normal life cycle of the grass plants, and provides channels for air and water to infiltrate the root zone while also reducing compaction. The USGA recommends that 15%-20% of the surface area should be affected each season during a normal maintenance program.
Sept 11 2012 Aerification 3/8  with 648 Toro

3/8 Side eject tine

We hosed Down the Remaining Sand Before Rolling.