
Welcome, this site will be devoted to providing information about the ongoing maintenance issues that take place at The Creek Club . As this site is developed, content will be added that demonstrates things that range from course care to comprehensive details about agronomic procedures. I hope that this will become a useful tool in communicating things that are taking place on the golf course. I will try to use the blog to explain how and why we do some of the things we do on the golf course.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Zoysia patch fall preventive application.

Today we sprayed tees and fairways with a preventive fungicide application for Zoysia Patch.  The weather conditions have been very favorable for the development.    
Zoysia patch, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, is the most common disease of zoysiagrass in our region. Symptoms are most common seen in the spring as zoysiagrass enters or breaks winter dormancy. The patches range from just a few feet across to 20 feet or more.  Circular areas of thin, tan zoysiagrass initially develop in late September to early October during cool, rainy weather and again in April and May. Leaf blades, particularly those near the patch edge, may develop a yellow orange color, causing an orange margin.   The symptoms will fade as temperatures increase in summer, but often reappear in the same areas when conditions become more favorable.